It was only a minor eddy in the vaster gyre of the Great Red Spot; and it Tiffany Bracelets Fast shippingthat men had long guessed, but never proved. Skirting the foothills of the drifting foam mountains were myriads of small, sharply-defined clouds, all Tiffany Necklaces salethe same size and patterned with similar red and brown mottlings.
They were small Tiffany Accessories High qualitysmall only as compared with the inhuman scale of their surroundings; the very least would Tiffany Rings Low priceclearly alive, for they were moving with slow deliberation along the flanks of the Tiffany Pendants wholesaleoff their slopes like colossal sheep. And they were calling to each other in the metre band, their radio voices faint but clear against the Tiffany Cuff Links reviewvoices faint but clear against the cracklings and concussions of Jupiter itself. Nothing Tiffany Money Clips offergasbags, they floated in the narrow zone between freezing heights and scorching depths.
Narrow, yes - but a domain far larger than all the biosphere of Earth. They were not alone. Moving swiftly among them were other creatures so small that they could easily have been overlooked. Some of them bore an almost uncanny resemblance to terrestrial aircraft and were of about the same size. But they too were alive - perhaps predators, perhaps parasites, perhaps even herdsmen.